Memo to sf/f pros and fans: DO NOT SLEEP ON NEBRASKA.
I was the Artist Guest of Honor at Constellation 9 in Lincoln, Nebraska this past weekend. It’s a small sf/f convention — the kind that pulls a modest 350-person attendance and serves a ‘big tent’ approach to fandom, celebrating art, books, films, TV, anime, gaming, cosplay and more. However, in all of my years of attending conventions, I’ve never seen a show with bigger heart. How big are we talking here?
Big enough to take The Mexicanx Initiative‘s $4333 remaining distance toward its $15,000 Assistance Fund goal and CRUSH IT in a single, unrelenting, hellacious Saturday Night Charity Auction.
That’s right.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED for The Mexicanx Initiative’s Assistance Fund — we reached our $15,000 goal this past Saturday night, thanks to everyone who gave in recent weeks and finished off by the incredible sf/f fandom of Constellation Nebraska, who believe in an American dream where all cultures are represented and welcomed. Shoutouts to Nanci H., Sam S., Nate W., Theron, Brian H., and the greatness of Dylan N. of NebrasKon (pictured upper right), who offered to shave his head AND his beard in order to raise money for The Initiative, generating a thunderous roar from the approving mob, reportedly causing onlookers to pass out. It was an epic night, hosted by John Pershing and Richard Graham, and by the end of the three-hour fever dream, Constellation Nebraska generated a whopping, record-setting $4,444, which brought the Mexicanx Initiative’s Assistance Fund total to $15,121!
And Nebraska wasn’t done — on Sunday, more contributions arrived, bringing The Mexicanx Initiative’s Assistance Fund total to $15,304.19 — $4,627.19 of that coming from the hearts, souls, and hairlines of the legendary Nebraskan people. Every dollar of that will benefit the 50 Mexicanx all-star pros and fans attending Worldcon 76 this summer.
This was Constellation’s ninth convention. I think this event has room to grow. They’ve got a great facility and great core leadership. I’ve seen my art on countless convention t-shirts over the years, but I’ve never seen one cooler than Constellation 9’s. I will wear it proudly. Thank you to Rod, Jodie, Jeff, Terri, Patricia(!!), Ray(!!), Mary, Noel, Carrie, Nate, Tom, Justin, Leia Buns, and of course, Nanci, for everything you did. It was a terrific weekend, and I look forward to seeing this convention become bigger and better in its next ten years.
In Loteria We Trust.
Glad to see my home state represent!!! That is cool. Husker pride!
Glad you had a good show, John. And that shirt is definitely cool!
They represented BIGTIME, Carl. These are definitely your people. Was sincerely impressed. Look forward to crossing paths with them down the road.
We were honored to host you and we hope you have a wonderful experience with Worldcon. Thank you for all the love.
Deserved! Thank you for all the work you put into this event. ‘Hope it only gets bigger in the next few years.
Thank YOU for being an awesome guest. Everyone I spoke with said you were very friendly and engaging, had a lot of fun either at your panels or just hanging out in the Dealer’s Room. I know I myself had a blast spending time with you. Best wishes on your Loteria project, I look forward to seeing whatever comes next with that, and of course all the best wishes for The Mexicanx Initiative’s Assistance Fund.
Appreciated all of the work you put into this event, Ray! Thanks for taking care of me! Definitely stay in touch.
You were an awesome guest, John, and you make a great ambassador. It was great having you in Nebraska.
You and Ray are the greatest, Tricia. Thank you for everything you both did for me. I was sorry to have to leave so early on Sunday. Glad I was able to be there for my daughter today, but sorry I wasn’t able to get more hours with you all yesterday. Epic weekend!
I’m just a fat old lady who really doesn’t understand most modern sf/f and wasn’t even at CONstellation, but your post and what I have heard about you has definitely made me a John Picacio fan.
(I am Raymond’s mama, and even though I never get to see Tricia anymore I love her heart and soul!)
You raised a great son, ma’am. Ray was rock-solid all weekend, and I would not have done as well without him. My thanks to him and Tricia for everything they did for me and the con. Appreciated!
John you were a great AGOH. It was great talking to you at our room party Friday night. Congratulations on reaching your goal. Enjoy WorldCON.
Thanks, Troy. That was some tasty beverage. Appreciated it very much and thank you for the kind words! See you down the road!