The good folks at Pyr sent me gorgeous new copies of Mark Chadbourn’s fantastic AGE OF MISRULE: BOOK 2 — DARKEST HOUR. Received them yesterday, and the books printed great. I’m proud to be illustrating the covers for this series and Book 3 should be coming soon, from what I understand. Go, Pyr, go!
I got my copy a little over a week ago! And it has the Pyr imprint on the spine!
Also, I finally received my copy of Drood. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have your cover but a VERY VERY VERY BORING DREARY UGLY COVER. Sigh.
I also have Mieville’s new book!
Hi, Christine —
Sent you a private email as well, but just wanted to say that I’m glad you received DARKEST HOUR! Very cool.