The folks at Dragon*Con have made the official 2010 Art Show announcement, so I can now share it here. Donato Giancola, Vincent Villafranca, and myself have been invited to be the Guest Jurors for the 2010 Dragon*Con Art Show.
Feel free to spread the word: Dragon*Con is now accepting applications and images for their Art Show and cordially invites all artists to participate. Dragon*Con is a massive event, and according to their website, it’s “the largest science fiction, fantasy, and pop-culture convention of its type in the world, with an attendance of over 35,000 people.” The buzz for this convention is extraordinary, and I’ve noticed the literary and art world flocking to this convention in the last couple of years. I suspect this year’s attendance might end up being their biggest ever. The Art Show, headed by John and Anne Parise, is reputed as a “hugely diverse event with thousands of art buyers from around the world coming to the show every year to purchase many of the great works exhibited.”
I’m honored to be a part of the process, and really looking forward to the experience!
That should be an awesome experience. I look forward to hearing your experience of the experience!
They would be hardpressed to find three harder working judges.
Thanks, Christine. Should be fun. I’m just glad I don’t have to travel again for a while.
Scott — we try.
Back to it…