Wow. Anyone ever read that comic book MISTER X? I always wanted to illustrate a cover or story about that guy. (Cover art at left is by Paul Rivoche.) At any rate, his mantra was, “So much to do, so little time.” That line is the story of my year, really. So it’s pretty appropriate that today would feel the same. 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing everyone on the other side tomorrow! Wow, 2009….here it comes. I’ll be posting my 2008 body of work very soon, and it’ll be fun to assess the labors of the past twelve months. I’m grateful to all friends who stop by my humble cyber-abode here and who have shared the journey with me so far. Onward into 2009, and best wishes to everyone out there!
I have that issue!
Maybe we’ll both be better in ’09. 🙂
Mr. X was an excellent series!