I’ll be set up there at table CC-15 in Artists’ Alley. Jon Foster and Dave Seeley will be set up on either side of me, and I’m looking forward to seeing those guys. Come by and visit us! I’ll have copies for sale of my art book COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO. I’ll have a portfolio full of goodies and ephemera for sale, as well. MonkeyBrain Books is the publisher of the art book and they’ll be set up in the Exhibitor Table section along with BenBella Books (table F1, right around aisle 800 or so).
If you miss me in Artists’ Alley for some reason, I’m scheduled for the following:
Saturday, July 22: 1-3pm — book signing at MonkeyBrain/Benbella table (F1)
Sunday, July 23, 1:45-2:45 — book signing at the Simon & Schuster/Pocket booth (#932), along with David R. George III, author of the upcoming 40th Anniverary STAR TREK trilogy, CRUCIBLE (I did the cover art for all 3 books.)
In addition, I’ll have a framed print over at the mighty Bud Plant booth (#1500), and Bud will have this as part of his big Comic-Con giveaway promotion. He’ll also have plenty of copies in stock of COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO.
Should be a great weekend, and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone out there!
Hang tight and have fun! Wish Sandi and I could be there with you.
Hi, Scott —
Wish you could be there too! I’ll have pics when I get back….