So tomorrow night (Thursday), I’m doing a signing for COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO at the mighty BookPeople, in Austin, over at 6th and Lamar, at 7pm. It’s one of my favorite bookstores anywhere, and I’m looking forward to being there. If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you.
Then this weekend is ArmadilloCon 28, and again, if you’re in the Austin area, you really should come out because the FACT folks always put on a great show. I’ll be displaying work in the Art Show and I’ll be on several panels there. Here’s my panel schedule:
Sa1200DZ Comic Books and More
Sat Noon-1:00 PM deZavala
Roberson, Fountain, Cupp*, Benjamin, Hale, Picacio
What comics should you be reading?
Sa1400PN The Fine Art of Illustration
Sat 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Phoenix North
Picacio*, Anderson, Foster
What is fine art? What is illustration? Our panelists discuss the differences.
Sa1600PN Fannish Feud
Sat 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Phoenix North
Friesner, Antell, Czerneda, Mitchell, Gill, Hogan, Kruger, Bobo, Babcock, Picacio
Join the fun at our game of trivia.
Sa2100D Illustrating Stories
Sat 9:00 PM-10:00 PM deWitt
Foster, Anderson*, Mitchell, Picacio
How one goes about doing illustrations for a story.
Su1300PC Autographing
Sun 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Phoenix Central
Kenner, Latner, Picacio, Richerson