As many of you know, PUBLISHERS WEEKLY has released its list of the 100 Best Books of 2006. Congrats to all, but especially to the five selections in the SF/Fantasy/Horror category. Amongst those elite five, I’m thrilled to see Jeffrey Ford’s THE EMPIRE OF ICE CREAM (Golden Gryphon, wraparound art pictured above) and Norman Partridge’s DARK HARVEST (Cemetery Dance, see front cover art below). So if you’re scoring at home, of the five superlative sf/f/horror works chosen by PW, I illustrated the covers for two of them, which ain’t a bad ratio, if you know what I’m saying.

Back in the spring, I made no secret that I thought Ford’s collection would be the best of 2006. A few collections may be in its league, but I couldn’t see how any collection could top its embarrassment of storytelling riches. PW must’ve thought the same. DARK HARVEST is a bonafide, dark-horse winner and kudos to Rich Chizmar and all at CD for cracking this list. And of course, huge congrats to Mr. Barbed-Wire Fists himself!
Cool Pumpkin!!
Heh. I just noticed you commented over here. Sorry about that, Irene. Glad you liked it. 🙂
Hey John:
Thanks for the good word on DARK HARVEST… and thanks for giving me exactly the cover I wanted. You, sir, always bring the very best to the game.
Your favorite dark horse,
Hi, Norm —
Pretty terrific feather in your cap! Nice way to cap off 2006 for you, I would say….:)
Great to see you and Tia, however briefly, a few weeks ago.
Great to see you too, John, and congrats from both of us on your many successes this year. It’s great to see one of the good guys finish first.