Congrats to Rebecca Ore, Diana Gill, Jennifer Brehl, and the folks over at HarperCollins/Eos. Rebecca’s latest novel TIME’S CHILD scored a rock-solid “A-” review from SciFi.com. “Highly entertaining and creative, a story readers won’t forget.” Looks like Eos is running some thoughtful essays by Rebecca over at their blog. You should check these out, and definitely keep your eyes out for TIME’S CHILD which just released in bookstores everywhere yesterday. (In case you’re curious, here’s the full front cover art.) 🙂
Good god, John. You just get better and better.
Muchas gracias, Jess. 🙂
tried to view Star Trek cover, image would not come up
Hi, anonymous —
I’m curious….were you trying to view the image via my blog or my website gallery? Just checked the link on the blog to that image (December 31st) and it seems to be working fine. What browser version are you using?
If it still doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll have the webmaster look into it. Also here are links to the covers via Amazon. This is the link to the McCoy cover, and you can click the other ST covers from there: