I’ve got some quick thoughts re: DEATH RAY as a whole. Think BLENDER MAGAZINE for science fiction…young, street-wise, and free-ranging. What’s most exciting is it has solid feature content related to literary sf, even though the vast majority is weighted toward current TV and cinema. Maybe too much TV and cinema for my tastes. I suspect that media heft is what will keep this magazine alive on the newsstands though, and judging by the past magazines Blackfish Publishing‘s Matt Bielby has started (SFX; TOTAL FILM; PLAYSTATION 2 MAGAZINE), he probably knows that full well. The magazine claims itself as the place “where science fiction lives” and if so, it would be fun to see more of the subversive neighborhoods and maybe slightly less of the flashy, cinematic boulevards that are so well-visited. Maybe as the magazine finds its stability, it can open more of its pages to more content about sf literature, publishing, and art, and maybe even some original storytelling material. That’s still where INTERZONE is best — and clearly DEATH RAY is staking out different territory. The field has room for both, and I think DEATH RAY is off to a dynamite start. More highlights: I love the diversity of sf coverage across all media. It took me a while to get used to the visual busyness of the layouts, but I’ll happily trade that for the sheer abundance of thoughtful, informed content these guys pack into an issue. Guy Haley’s a great interviewer and I’ll look for more from him. What I love most about DEATH RAY is its personality and raw energy across all of the features. It’s a labor of love, not unlike the best fanzines, and if it remains that way, DEATH RAY will be a juggernaut for years to come.