SCIFI NOW, one of the UK’s major SF media mags, has released their list of the Best Books of 2007. Michael Moorcock’s THE METATEMPORAL DETECTIVE is amongst their top five. Congrats, Mike! Congrats to Pyr and Solaris as well!
The list:
1) HALTING STATE (Stross) / Orbit
2) STEALING LIGHT (Gibson) / Tor UK
3) BRASYL (McDonald) / Pyr/Gollancz
5) HELIX (Brown) / Solaris
Also here’s a conversation between Mike and SHRIEK author Jeff Vandermeer over at Amazon.com’s OMNIVORACIOUS blog.
Great days for Moorcock — he’s got a hit with THE METATEMPORAL DETECTIVE; talks continue regarding a major ELRIC motion picture; and the ELRIC series will launch next month. More on that Monday….