Wednesday, March 19th / 7pm
University Book Store
4326 University Way NE / Seattle / WA / 98105 / 206-634-3400 (Event made possible by the mighty Duane Wilkins of University Book Store….see you soon, Duane!)
Featured guests include Mario Acevedo / Warren Hammond / Richelle Mead / Naomi Novik / John Picacio / Cherie Priest / Patrick Rothfuss / Bruce Taylor
I’ll be signing copies of ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS as well as my hardcover artbook COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO.
Following that, I’ll be at NORWESCON 31 (March 20-23). My schedule:
THE INVERTED FANTASY HERO / Thursday 9pm / Cascade 4
Panel discussion about turning “bad” character types and monsters into sympathetic protagonists and why we still love anti-heroes.
Mario Acevedo (M), Michael Ehart, Christopher Konker, Mimi Noyes, John Picacio
FROM PAGE TO SHELF / Friday 1pm / Cascade 9
Panel discussion of the publication process and timeline in major SF/F publishing.
John Picacio (M), Steve Winter, Dan Simmons
AUTOGRAPH SESSION / Saturday Noon / Evergreen 1 & 2
JOHN PICACIO SLIDE SHOW / Saturday 2pm / Evergreen 4
Seattle’s a long way from here, so unfortunately, I don’t make it there often. If you’re in the area, don’t be a stranger. 🙂
Oh, man. I was not going to go to Norwescon this year. Now I may have to finagle childcare for a daypass….
It would be good to see you out there! 🙂 Let me know which day you happen to finagle…
OOh, I’ll be out of town march 19. However, I’ll be home (West Seattle)on the weekend.
Hmmm . . .
Hi, ces —
Swing by if you can on Saturday! As you can see from the schedule, I’ve got a couple of program items on Saturday, including the slideshow at 2pm. According to the con’s site, weekend passes are $60; Saturday memberships are $40. Not too bad. And if that’s too much money, let me know sometime this week, and maybe I can meet you at the hotel bar and we can touch base for a few minutes on Saturday or Sunday. (FYI: Next week, I’ll be away from email for much of the time.)
Hi John,
I sent you some email. Hope your week went well!
Hi, Christine —
I was just shot off an email to you. That sounds great! I’ll see you Wednesday. 🙂
Hey John,
great meeting you. the panel was great fun. Looking forward to seeing you at the Nebulas next month.
It was good to meet you and your wife, you crazy man. I say “crazy man” because I might, hypothetically have some incriminating pictures of you.
Hi, Michael! Great to meet you as well. Good times next month in Austin…very much looking forward to it.
Hi, Cherie — Hypothetical ncriminating photos, huh? Well, I’ll make you a trade….you post those, and I’ll post plenty of your favorite candid shots that you love oh-so-much. 😉 Seriously though, it was a blast to finally meet you. Holler anytime…