Wow, I’ve been absent here for a while….a full two weeks. Definitely not a vacation, I can assure you. Been working on a ton of cover work and because of some intense deadlines, I’ve needed to stay focused on the art. I’ll start to unveil some of my new work in the coming days. If the above post looks like a deja vu, that’s because it was previously previewed on this blog. It’s the rough sketch of my proposed wraparound cover illustration for Robert Silverberg’s classic SON OF MAN, which will be a
Pyr trade paperback release later this year. I’m showing it again, so you can compare it to the full pencils below, seen here for the first time. 14″x21″. Pencil on cold-press Crescent illustration board.

I’m finishing the final color art for this right now, and I’ll hopefully unveil it tomorrow (fingers crossed).
Oh, I like the new version much better!
I’ll patiently (for me) wait to see it in full colour!
Thanks, Christine. I appreciate it. 🙂
The final color art will hopefully get posted tomorrow. I was hoping for today, but it’ll have to wait one more day.
Looking forward to seeing drafts for your SubPress edition of Dan Simmons’ Muse of Fire as well.
Thanks, Bill. That Simmons story is a helluva piece. I finished reading the manuscript recently, and it’s terrific. I’m looking forward to doing that one, for sure.