Been working round-the-clock on two covers these last several days. One of them is the cover for Michael Moorcock’s ELRIC: THE SLEEPING SORCERESS, which will be the third of
Del Rey‘s six-volume Elric series. Right now, I’m working on the final color version, but here’s a look at the final pencil underdrawing. Pencil on Crescent illustration board, 14″x20″. The other cover I’m working on is for
ASIMOV’S. Editor Sheila Williams has given me a terrific story by Stephen Baxter called “The Ice War” and I’ll share my work on this one soon, as well as the finished Elric cover, when it’s all done and Del Rey gives the green light.
OOH, that one looks neat – I love the look in his eyes!
I’m finally caught up sort of on my reading – the last 2 books I read I really didn’t care for, but I finished them.
Next is my Elric book! Finally!
I had wondered where you’ve been – glad to hear you’re hard at work! Frisco was wonderful!
Hi, Christine —
Thanks very much. Yeah, I hadn’t intended to be away from here for a week, but I’ve been working sunup to sundown on covers. Time flies. Hope you like ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS. 🙂 Glad to hear that Frisco treated you well…..it’s a great town. I’ll have more here soon….back to work on ELRIC: THE SLEEPING SORCERESS….