Overall the entire list is loaded with good news. A few highlights:
Life Achievement — Leo & Diane Dillon: Hugely deserving, and great to see artists recognized in this category! I voted for Moebius and Jeffrey Jones on my ballot this year, but I’m extremely happy to see the Dillons recognized with this honor.
Novel — Great to see Michael Marshall Smith’s THE SERVANTS on the ballot! Very surprised that Dan Simmons’ THE TERROR didn’t make the list though.
Novella — Tough list here…hurray for Kim Newman and MonkeyBrain Books! You too, Lucius.
Short Story — Wow, John Klima’s LOGORRHEA racks up two of the five noms here. Awesome!
Anthology — Ellen Datlow racks up two of the five here, and that man Klima is here again with a nod for LOGORRHEA.
Collection — More love for Kim Newman and MonkeyBrain Books as THE SECRET FILES OF THE DIOGENES CLUB gets a nom, along with more love for Lucius Shepard
Special Award, Professional — This category makes my head spin….toughest category of the year to pick. Look at the names in this one….Chris Roberson, Allison Baker, Alan Beatts, Jude Feldman, Pete Crowther, Gordon Van Gelder, Jeremy Lassen, Jason Williams, and Shawna McCarthy. Terrific list of finalists, but a heart-breaking choice for the judges to pick a winner. Shoutout to Alan and Jude for being first-time World Fantasy Award nominees….honestly, of all the names on this year’s list, seeing them recognized for their bookselling excellence reinforces why I respect the WF Awards so much.
Special Award, Non-Professional — If you’re counting at home, the juggernaut known as John Klima is involved with a total of four WF noms this year, including one here, and I couldn’t be happier for him. Go, Klima!!! 🙂 Extremely pleased to see Stephen Jones here with TRAVELLERS IN DARKNESS: THE SOUVENIR BOOK OF THE WORLD HORROR CONVENTION 2007. This was essentially the program book for last year’s World Horror Con, and it’s hands-down the finest convention program book ever produced. Yeah, it features cover art by me, but that’s not the reason I say that. Hold this book in your hands, and you’ll appreciate the love and production value pumped into every page. An amazing job by Steve and designer Michael Marshall Smith (the same MMS nominated for Best Novel). Expect this book to sell for several hundred dollars on Ebay, someday…if it doesn’t already.
Congrats to all of the nominees! See you in Calgary at this year’s World Fantasy Con for the festivities.
Who did the souvenir program booklet?
Christine — The program book was given out at the 2007 World Horror Convention in Toronto and was produced by the con committee of that con. There wasn’t really an official “publisher” for that book. It was given to all attending members of that con, and therefore, the print run was pretty low. It was an AMAZING book though with gorgeous production values. FYI: The cover art first appeared on Joe R. Lansdale’s short story collection BUMPER CROP, but the con asked to re-use the art because I was the Artist GOH, and Joe received the WHC Grandmaster Award.
it’s a wonderful cover! And congrats to Joe!
Woo hoo, congrats!
Thanks again, Christine. 🙂
Hi, Dia — thanks a bunch! Long time, no hear. Missed you at Worldcon this year. Will you be at WFC/Calgary?