Looks like I got a little TV face time at Denvention last week. NBC affiliate News9 in Denver did a 2-1/2 minute feature segment about Worldcon arriving in their fair city. Brooke Thacker is the reporter for the piece, which surveys preparations for the show on the first day. I’m in the mix, right around the 2:16 mark, setting up my art show display. Needless to say, my attention wasn’t completely on her and the camera. 😉
Other cameos: John Hertz and his propeller beanie got a lot of love. Look for a funny cameo by SCI FI editor Scott Edelman. Looks like the blonde, braided head of LOCUS‘ Amelia Beamer is in the background at the :59 mark (looks like her, anyway). FACT‘s Laura Domitz pops up at the :57 and :56 mark. And oh yeah — News9 has apparently discovered a new way to spell my name — “Piacacio” instead of “Picacio”. Now I know how Paolo Baciagalupi feels….
This is actually the first time I’ve ever embedded video here on my blog. Let’s see if this works. Oh yeah, one final FYI: beware the 10-second commercial before this segment, as it may have ear-splitting static, depending on which random commercial pops up. Onward….
Very cool! Great interview.
Thanks, Eric. Hey, I really like the process evolution you showed on your blog for GREEN SKIES. Looks great, man! That’s very cool. I need to visit your blog more often……neat stuff. 🙂
Any chance you’ll be attending World Fantasy Con in Calgary this November?
Thank you so much! I’d love to go but my wife is having a baby right then! Maybe I could sneak out for a few days… I do plan on Worldcon next year in Montreal, any chance you’ll be there? I should have mentioned in my initial post how much I love your work and what a big fan I am! I’m linking you to my blog if that’s OK.
Congrats on the growing family! That’s awesome. Way to go, and yeah, completely understandable that WFC wouldn’t be on your list this year. 🙂 You’ve got your hands full, for sure.
Yes, I will be at Worldcon/Montreal. Absolutely. So we’ll definitely see each other there, if we don’t cross paths sooner.
As far as the linkage — go for it. Someday I need to update my own links and include you…..definitely need to keep an eye on your work……you’re doing great stuff. Thanks very much for the shout…..stay in touch. 🙂
Blog: http://johnpicacio.com/blog.html
Website: http://www.johnpicacio.com/index2.html
Amazing blog brother. That is super cool about being on the news. Congrats.
joe y elio
You’re a superstar!
Video looks fine.
Hi, Joe….hi, Elio —
Wow….just went and checked out the EL GRANDE blog…..love the energy and vitality over there….very cool! Terrific post from ComicCon…..funny stuff. 🙂
Hi, JD —
The Signal’s looking as good as ever…..typing this late night after sending that MindMeld post…..thanks again for waiting up! 🙂