FAST FORWARD 2 Fast Approaching

Pyrβ€˜s Lou Anders recently unveiled the complete cover design for his forthcoming antho, FAST FORWARD 2. Cover illustration by yours truly, and jacket design by Jacqueline Cooke. The book hits shelves next month!

A shoutout and big thanks to my pal, illustrator Lee Moyers: when I was working on the final cover art, I phoned Lee out-of-the-blue and asked him for some critique. Lee’s one of the rare guys who illustrates and designs equally well. His suggestions were invaluable and they absolutely led to this becoming a better piece. Thanks, man!

5 thoughts on “FAST FORWARD 2 Fast Approaching

  1. That is a really beautiful cover too! I like the way the central figure is repeated on the back, only rotated 180 degrees. And the type matching the central figure is perfect.

    Good job everyone!

  2. Thanks, Yasko! Much appreciated.

    Sorry I wasn’t able to send art to your show in Japan. I ran out of time between preparing for Worldcon/Denver and Armadillocon in Austin. Hopefully another time…..thank you for thinking of me! πŸ™‚

  3. Oh, don’t be sorry!
    I knew you were very busy with those cons, so it was all right. Actually I was meaning to Email you about it but… was being lazy.
    *I* am sorry. πŸ˜›
    Anyway, thank you so much for your consideration!

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