OUR GANG: (l to r), Karen Jones; Lou Anders; Paul Cornell; me; Chris Roberson; Jennifer Heddle; Allison Baker… good times at Earl’s, Sunday night, post-WFC Awards.
HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR: Marjorie Liu and me in front of the coolest thing I saw in Calgary all weekend — a scrap metal stallion too brilliant for words.
ART & LIFE: Talking about both with Shaun Tan (left) was one of my con highlights. Love the way his work keeps searching and evolving. My pal Justin Ackroyd is an uber-mensch for bringing me a first-edition of Tan’s new book TALES FROM OUTER SUBURBIA all the way from Oz.
CAMPBELL QUEEN & EVERCLEAR KING: Campbell Award winner Mary Robinette Kowal — elegant as ever; John Klima — locked and loaded for another night of hard boozing. Klima was nominated for two World Fantasy Awards this year. Although he didn’t win this year (much as I wanted him to), his star’s rising and his day’s coming. Meantime, Klima says another bottle of 96 proof Polish Everclear is just the ticket to ease his pain. Next year, JK, next year….
GOOD TIMES: (back, l to r), Graham Joyce, me, Marjorie Liu, Nikki Kimberling; (front), Paul Cornell.
PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR: Or at least like an Artist Guest of Honor… the great Todd Lockwood shows young upstarts how the pros do it. That’s a bottle of Macallen 18 Single Malt Scotch, courtesy of Borderlands Books’ fabulous Scotch-tasting Party. OK — true confession — much as I’d love to say Todd pounded that entire bottle Amy Winehouse-style, he was actually hard at work with his GOH duties and barely made the party in time to savor the bottle’s last tiny drops.
THE SCARIEST SIGHT THIS HALLOWEEN: Diana Rowland (author of the forthcoming MARK OF THE DEMON) becomes Sarah Palin. Check out her button though — apparently even the Gov’nor knows who this country needs right now. (Destiny knocks — look who’s on TV right when I snapped the photo… and yes, please vote on Tuesday, if you haven’t already! :))
WHERE’S ANG LEE WHEN YOU NEED HIM?: Graham Joyce says he can’t quit you.
DAZZLING & DASHING: Jude Feldman & Alan Beatts at the World Fantasy Awards… their first time as highly-deserving finalists for the World Fantasy Award (Special Award / Professional)… although they didn’t win (congrats to Pete Crowther), they looked damned good. 🙂
Final thoughts — shoutout to Kim Greyson for working his tail off and being the epitome of hospitality. Was weird for me not to be in the Art Show this year, but it was with good reason, and I’ll be back with art next year in San Jose. Speaking of art — great times not only with Shaun Tan and Todd Lockwood, but fellow illustrators Mike Dringenberg, James Beveridge, and Martin Springett. Huge congrats to Edward Miller, otherwise known as Les Edwards. I didn’t win the World Fantasy Award for Artist, but he did and it was well-deserved. Cheers, Les! Too many friends to count at this show, and great to see all of them, which is what makes WFC what it is — a few who weren’t pictured above, knowing that I’ll inevitably forget someone — Liza Trombi, Amelia Beamer, Diana Gill, Christian Dunn, Mark Newton, Marc Gascoigne, Jeremy Lassen, Jetse De Vries, Rani Graff, Laura Anne Gilman, Daryl Gregory, David Anthony Durham, Kay Kenyon, Louise Marley, Steve Jones, Mandy Slater, Gigi Gridley, Jim Minz, Lee Modesitt, Mark Teppo, Farah Mendlesohn, Adrienne Loska, Jacob Weisman, Jerad Walters, Tony Richards, and many more….. Another WFC in the books! Hope to see you in San Jose next year for the next one. Now, time to crash…
In both those photos, I’d been struck on the head immediately before the shot.
Sorry about the blink on the top photo (damn flash bulbs), but thought you looked good in the 2nd photo, no? Great seeing you, man! Say hi to Caroline…
m heya t’ fug yu up
Graham —
Hah! Perfect. 🙂
It was wonderful to spend so much time with you all. Graham, I have no idea what “m heya” is supposed to be.
‘s ahow yawl spee-uk
Brilliant to see you guys again!
You’re killing me, Graham. 🙂
Awesome to see you too…..wish it was more often.
Always good to see you, John.
damn my melon is huge…you would have to shoot me with a really cute girl so I look even more troll-like…
Great to see you as always! Hope to make it next year!
Thanks, Adrienne…..good luck with the documentary! 🙂
JK — yeah, we’ve got the same problem. I married a woman with a slender face and therefore my head looks even more Shrek-like in most photos. What can you say? We’ve got large domes.
Hey, John, it was great to hang out with you, as always. Thanks for all your encouragement and for spreading the word.
I have to say, I sort of bolted after the award ceremony to catch someone I saw at a distance, and then I was all the way to my room before I realized I hadn’t chipped in for the wine at the table. The embarrassment… I promise it wasn’t intentional, and – better yet – I’ll make up for it next time.
Big D — No worries. That bottle was courtesy of Diana Gill and the good folks at HarperCollins/Eos. Glad you were with the Flaming Savages this year. 🙂
You all had way too much a good time!
John, I enjoy your photos soooo much! Keep taking them!
It’s 51 and rain rain rain here in Seattle.
Thanks, Christine! Glad you like ’em. No rain here in SA in a very long while……I’d say we’re officially in a drought. Send some of that rain down here. 🙂
and once again I escape without incriminating photos! (of myself, that is. Other people need beware…)
Hey, Laura Anne —
Great to see you this weekend. Be careful. Just because I didn’t publicly post embarrassing photos of you doesn’t mean I don’t have them. 🙂
why not in art show this year?
Three reasons:
1. Canadian customs is notoriously difficult on the wallets of artists (and bookdealers) coming into Canada.
2. Swamped with cover art deadlines leading into World Fantasy Con
3. Philcon is in two weeks and I’ll have nine panels worth of artwork there. That’s a lot, and even under ideal circumstances, it’s tough to prepare two great art displays in two different cities that are scheduled so close together.
Tough choice, but the good news is I’ll have art at next year’s World Fantasy Con in San Jose.
Great to see all you great people in Calgary!
On the one hand I wish they did World Fantasy mor often, but on the other hand then it would probably not be so good.
To San José! I already bought my ticket.
Always great to see you, Jetse!! Excited about your new antho plans……will definitely be looking forward these.