(pictured L to R): Elspeth Kovar; Serena Powers; Tim Powers; Dennis McCunney; Traci Picacio. The great Jeff Ford was in the house on Friday night and it was terrific to hang with him as always. Never tried a Whiskey Sour before I had a few Friday night, but now I know why Ford likes ’em so much. HarperCollins/Eos editor Diana Gill dropped by Sunday and it was great seeing her as ever. Pleasure spending time with Richelle Mead, Mary Robinette Kowal, Andrew Wheeler, Alan Beck, Greg Frost, Ray Ridenour, Bud Sparhawk, Jane Jewell, Michael Walsh, Diane Weinstein, Gary Frank and wife Nancy, Keith R.A. DeCandido, John Grant, and many others. Spent quality time with Principal Speaker (Author GOH) Tim Powers and his wife Serena once the show was over, and in a taxi to the airport. Like a cappella singing? Check out the Chromatics. Missed ’em while I was judging the Masquerade but they were the intermission entertainment. Will catch up later via YouTube.
Special Guest Scott Christian Sava of DREAMLAND CHRONICLES fame was kind enough to bestow copies of his illustrated books to both me and Tim at the show’s end. Thanks a bunch, Scott!! Being GOH at a show like Philcon makes you grateful to all the volunteers who work hard to make it happen. Shoutouts to the entire Philcon Committee, but especially to Mark and Margaret Trebing, David Silber, Eric Gasior, Rock Robertson (thanks for the help with the slideshow!!), Terry Graybill (who produced some terrific promo bookmarks and palmcards), Nathan Lilly (nice job with the program book!!), Filthy Pierre, Shirley Avery, Martin Deutsch, Byron Connell, Diane Kovalcin, Rob Himmelsbach, Tina Connell, the Wombat, Rhea Hoch, Gary Feldbaum, Debby Lieven, Christine Norris, Suzanne Rosin, and more. Dennis McCunney was the Hotel Liaison, but seemed to be more than just that and in more places than one at the same time. He was awesome. Thanks, Dennis! Mad props to Joni Dashoff and Andrea Senchy who made the Art Show a success. Joni taught me and Traci what a “jug handle” was and made me realize that driving in Europe is probably easier than navigating the back roads of Jersey. Last — I’ve gotta give huge props to Todd Dashoff who really seemed to wear ten hats all at once and seemed to always come through in the clutch. It was a pleasure being in their midst this past weekend and with all members of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. Loved it, and look forward to returning to Philly, somewhere down the road.
Thank you for the kind words about my job at Philcon. Job descriptions at a con tend to be fluid things, so Hotel Liaison is as good as any. I wasn’t really in two places at once, but I was more or less continuously on duty, and had less chance to actually see the con than I might have preferred. The first year in a new property always presents challenges, so it wasn’t unexpected.
I think I’m mostly caught up on sleep…
John: Ah, yes, whiskey sours, I like em not too wisely but too well. It was great to see you and Tracy, if only for a brief time through the haze. Great art show.
Jeff Ford
Hi, Dennis — Thanks for all you did. Really appreciated.
Hey, Jeff — Thanks for coming out and hanging on Friday. Meant a lot to get to see you. Best of luck to Derek as he shops the schools, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family. Holler anytime…