Gardner: “This has been an almost unprecedented year for the number of first-rate original SF anthologies published, at least since the heyday of ORBIT, NEW DIMENSIONS, and UNIVERSE in the ’70’s.” He goes on to say, “…I’d have to say that the three strongest original SF anthologies of the year were Lou Anders’ FAST FORWARD 2, Jonathan Strahan‘s ECLIPSE 2, and Strahan’s THE STARRY RIFT….” And then the kicker, “Of these, I think I’d give a very slight edge to FAST FORWARD 2.” Awesome. Congrats to Lou and all of the contributing authors! Proud to have done the cover art for this one. And speaking of LOCUS, if you aren’t a print subscriber yet, have you heard they’ve got the October issue online for free? Seems they may start making the print mag available on a web-subscription basis. Let ’em know what you think!