I’m pleased to see my 2013 John Picacio Calendar Kickstarter doing well so far. If you look at that page, you’ll see the $2000 pledge level is called the “Art Muse” level. I’ve received a number of inquiries about this, so I want to address what $2000 gets you because I’m very excited about this.
In addition to calendars, prints, original art and other goodies, you receive a very unique opportunity — the chance to model for an upcoming published illustrated artwork created by me. This original new illustrated artwork will be inspired by photographs of you, or the person of your choice. The opportunity includes exclusive initial consultation with me, and it’s a very rare opportunity to not only be a part of the making of a piece of published art, but to immortalize yourself (or someone you love) as a piece of artwork for all to see.
So what are the artworks in question?
In 2013, Lone Boy will be publishing a bold new Loteria card deck and game featuring my artwork — and you can become a part of one of these 54 cards.
I’m planning to make this Loteria deck one of the finest works of my career to date, and I’ve already started creating the cards.
For reference, here are what the classic, traditional Loteria cards look like for “La Sirena” (The Mermaid), “La Rosa” (The Rose), and “El Pescado” (The Fish).
And now for comparison, have a look at my completed pencils for my new versions of “La Sirena” and “El Pescado”.
If you would like to become a part of this opportunity, here’s the list of Loteria cards that you can consider immortalizing yourself as:
Wow, that sounds awesome! How does one throw one’s face into the ring?
Scott — I’ve got your email. I’ll drop you a line right now.
Great! I’ll keep an eye on my inbox.