Good news — SCI FI Magazine just released their 2006 Gift Guide issue and they’ve selected COVER STORY: THE ART OF JOHN PICACIO as one of three art books to look for when you’re giving (or receiving) this coming holiday season. Besides my book, they also shined the spotlight on REVOLUTION: THE ART OF JON FOSTER and THE ART OF RAY HARRYHAUSEN. I believe the issue just hit newsstands everywhere, so check it out, the next time you’re at the bookstore. I found some pretty sweet Xmas gift ideas in the mag, and my fiancee devoured the article on Joe Hill, who is one of her favorite new authors. Thanks to Brian Murphy for giving me the heads-up!
I will certainly be pushing COVER STORY at World Fantasy! It is the perfect Christmas gift!
Thanks, Scott. I assume that you’re gonna be manning the booth for ADVENTURES IN CRIME AND SPACE over there in the dealer’s room. I think I signed ACS’ copies, but if I haven’t I’ll be sure to do it at WFC. You’ll be a busy man over there…wearing all of your hats at once…author, editor, retailer…should be fun. 🙂
It will be a busy weekend, for sure. But I will perservere through it all, just as you will, Mr. Auctioneer and defending Best Artist. By the way, today (10/19) USA Today had a brief note on JOe Hill’s first novel due out in February (I believe a few days after Valentine’s Day). They love it. I’m sure Traci will too.