My illustration for Michael Moorcock’s ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS is featured on the May 2009 cover of China’s FANTASY ART Magazine, the country’s leading pro magazine celebrating fantasy art and design. Earlier this year, Lizzy Carft conducted an interview with me, which is reportedly inside this issue. I say “reportedly” because I’ve yet to see the actual magazine itself. I’m sure the good people of FANTASY ART will be sending a few to me and I can’t wait to see how it looks. When they do, I’ll likely need the mighty Xin to translate the read.
Very cool!
Awesome! And your anme is on the cover, too! Excellent! Congrats…
…NAME, too!
Thanks, Mair! And I just saw you joined Twitter. I’m in select company on your list. You’re too cool.
As for the mag — I just opened up a PDF of the entire interview. Too bad we can’t read Chinese (well, I can’t, at least). I’ll soon post it here anyway because Chinese typography is just beautiful to look at…..