2008 World Fantasy Award Nominee!

While away at Worldcon in Denver, the 2008 World Fantasy Award Nominations List was announced. I’m thrilled to be one of the five finalists in the Artist category!! My fellow artist nominees are Ruan Jia, Mikko Kinnunen, Stephan Martiniere, and Edward Miller. Proud to be in their esteemed company. 🙂 Overall the entire list is…

Worldcon 2008 Photos

TURNABOUT INTRUDER: Paolo Baciagalupi and Irene Gallo trade places for a night; Paolo claims to have told several unsuspecting authors just how bad their covers really are, while Irene cheerfully let everyone know that their tawdry lives were nothing more than a capitalistic charade GOOD TIMES AT THE HARPERCOLLINS/EOS PARTY (l to r): Traci Picacio;…

Back home from Worldcon ’08

Words now, con photos later. A grueling, but rewarding week in Denver, at Worldcon 2008. I’m bushed. Some personal highlights: * Good times with friends in and around the CCC and the Hyatt Regency: Lou Anders, Chris Roberson, Allison Baker, David Louis Edelman, Paul Cornell, George Mann, Mark Newton, Christian Dunn, Sean Williams, Alan Beatts,…