Michaelis on N.C. Wyeth

Rarely time for pleasure reading here. Most of my reading time is for manuscripts I’m cover-illustrating, or am going to be working on. One exception lately — David Michaelis’ 1998 biography, N.C. WYETH. Both pictures seen here are from Wyeth’s classic TREASURE ISLAND work. Some words of wisdom here, courtesy of Michealis, regarding the power…

Hugo Nominee Spotlight at Tor.com

Thanks to Irene Gallo and Tor.com for today’s Hugo Nominee feature on my work. Check it out. Irene‘s running one spotlight per day this week. Shaun Tan and Dan Dos Santos already got the treatment. Bob Eggleton and Donato Giancola will follow. The final Hugo voting period isn’t open yet, but the full nominee list…