NEW! Loteria Grande / Series 1

Good news, Loteria fans! 2014 finishes in grand style with the release of a new Loteria Grande card series from Lone Boy, including “La Calavera”, “El Corazon”, “El Venado”, “El Mundo”, and “La Escalera”! These cards feature the same production value and giant size as the Grandes originally released with my 2013 Calendar’s Kickstarter campaign — 4.5″ x 7.5″ on thick,…

Where To Find Me in 2015

I’m remodeling my blog and web store right now, switching everything to WordPress. It should be finished by the first full week of January. Meanwhile, I’m making changes to my social media participation in 2015. I’ll be substituting much of my time investment via Facebook to other social media conduits. Facebook: For those who don’t know yet, Facebook is instituting…