Happy B-Day, Star Trek

SFSignal reminds us all that today in 1966, the very first episode of STAR TREK aired (“The Man Trap”). Can’t remember which episode of STAR TREK was the first one I ever saw, but watching it in syndication after-school was a seminal part of my early years. Seen here: my 2nd grade school photo, circa…

From Italy With Love

Many thanks to my pal Maurizio Manzieri, who emailed me the following the other day: “a note to let you know how much you are loved in Italy…!Yesterday you got the front page on Il Corriere della Fantascienza,the main Italian science fiction online newspaper!” My reaction: Thanks, Fantascienza! How cool! Much appreciated.My beloved wife’s reaction:…

One more from Pablo Picasso

Shared this with friends a while back, but inspired by my previous post about Picasso’s Words of Wisdom, here’s 33 seconds of YouTube greatness you might enjoy. This little video cracks me up every time. Lesson: when you get the following reaction from signing your name, you know the world is yours.

Pablo Picasso’s Words of Wisdom

Wow. Two great finds today. Discovered a site called Paintalicious which spotlights various mixed-media artists. Can’t believe I’d never heard of this site before! Worth checking out regularly. The other great find — Inspiring stuff for anyone toiling in the art trenches…Paintalicious has a post featuring seven quotes from the Man himself, Pablo Picasso. (Above…

My Longest Read & Breaking News

What’s the longest book you’ve ever read? Yesterday I finished my all-time longest. 1350 pages long….the entire epic trilogy that is Mark Chadbourn‘s AGE OF MISRULE, which I read in its British omnibus form. Next year Pyr will be releasing the trilogy in simultaneous spiffy new editions, and I’m working up thumbnails for those covers.…