They’re Here!

You’re looking at the finished products for my 2014 Calendar, companion sketchbook, and six Grande Loteria prototype cards! Currently packaging and shipping deliveries to all of my Kickstarter backers. In a little more than four days since receiving the goods from the printer, Lone Boy has shipped out 73% of the campaign’s packages. I’m rather…


Congrats to Arnie and Cathy Fenner on TWENTY years of founding, shaping, and masterminding one of the premier art annuals on the planet. A gorgeous copy of the brand-new SPECTRUM volume just arrived on my porch the other day, and it’s a masterpiece. Also — it’s a swan song. They’re retiring from the book, and…


To everyone who made time to climb aboard my 2014 Calendar’s Kickstarter and made it a success — HUGELY GRATEFUL to you!  I’m looking forward to fulfilling all of your packages and dialoguing with you in the coming days and weeks. ‘Appreciated!

Approximately 3,987,548

Apologies in advance for the rounded math there, folks — but I think that’s the approximate number of times I tweeted, FBed, blogged, interviewed, pimped, mentioned, namedropped, and screamed from the rooftops about the 2014 John Picacio Calendar and its rewards, and the fact that they were exclusive to our 30-day Kickstarter Campaign. 🙂 Clearly…

The Tree of Life

I’ve known Jay Lake for most of my professional career. He’s one of my generation’s most prolific and beloved writers in the science fiction/fantasy literary scene. For me, his formidable bibliography and the critical respect he commands are not the first things I think about when I hear his name. It’s the color blue. As…


We’ve all seen famous and not so-famous people glorified and celebrated in paintings, statues and artwork throughout history and pop culture. Why shouldn’t one of those people be you? Or someone you love? I’m offering that opportunity for the next four days in my 2014 John Picacio Calendar Kickstarter. Check out the Loteria Legend level.…


There are barely SEVEN(!!) days remaining to score a 2014 John Picacio Calendar, and begin collecting your very own giant Mexican Tarot cards (AKA ‘Grandes’). After November 14th? You’re out of luck. 🙁 They won’t be available in any retail outlet or via any online dealer. Lone Boy will print as many as are ordered.…

Score A Free ‘El Arpa’ Grande Card

Great news! The 2014 John Picacio Calendar is officially funded! The calendars, sketchbooks, and ‘La Sirena’ Grande Loteria cards will now be a published reality from Lone Boy. HOORAY! 🙂 The race has just begun though — and this is where the fun really begins for you as a backer. All backers pledging $50 and…


Have you ever wanted to be immortalized as a work of art? Or have you ever wanted to immortalize someone you love as one? The 2014 John Picacio Calendar is currently funding via Kickstarter — and that very opportunity can be yours. At the bottom of the Rewards sidebar on the Kickstarter page, there is…