Fresh New Year, Fresh New Sidebar

Blogger’s been cranky these last 24 hours, but finally my sidebar updates are available for all to see. Check out the sidebar to the right and you’ll see a complete visual rundown of my 2008 published cover artwork. I’ll tweak it a bit in the coming days as well as do a detailed post here…

Hello, 2009

Happy New Year, folks! Hope 2009 brings us all better days than ’08. I just tried uploading my 2008 body of published work into the sidebar at right, but Blogger’s cranky right now. It doesn’t seem to like all the new data for some reason. Once it cooperates, I’ll have little pictures of eighteen shiny…

Last Day of 2008

Wow. Anyone ever read that comic book MISTER X? I always wanted to illustrate a cover or story about that guy. (Cover art at left is by Paul Rivoche.) At any rate, his mantra was, “So much to do, so little time.” That line is the story of my year, really. So it’s pretty appropriate…

Boskone 47 in 2010!!

Exciting news — I’ll be the Artist Guest of Honor for Boskone 47 in Boston, MA, February 12-14, 2010. Boskone is the oldest science fiction in New England, and always reputed to be one of the best regional cons any year. I’m thrilled and honored to be invited. Alastair Reynolds will be the Author GoH.…

Charles Tan on Jeff Ford

Charles Tan has posted a personal essay about Jeffrey Ford and his books. If you haven’t read Ford before (what are you waiting for?), this is a nice overview of his work. And until now, I had missed out on this terrific interview Tan conducted with Ford earlier this year. Good read!

Soulful Christmas

Well, it’s Xmas Eve, and lots of last-minute giftwrapping and Xmas preparations here. Very best holiday wishes to you and yours! Here’s a YouTube holiday gift to you before I vanish in a flurry of giftwrap and scotch-tape. Every Xmas for the last 12 or 13 years, one CD is a constant standby for me…

SF Signal on FF2

Terrific review over at SF Signal for the sf antho FAST FORWARD 2, edited by Lou Anders. John DeNardo gives his story-by-story takes, and it’s a really fun read. Wow, the FF2 juggernaut just keeps rolling, doesn’t it? Congrats to Lou and all of the authors. Recent raves for FF2:BookgasmDiscover MagazineFuturismicBoingBoingSFDimensions And it’s really fun…

Vincent Villafranca

VV is a very bad man. While the rest of us struggle to eek out a basic round of Xmas cards to our pals, this guy’s sending out original hand-made solid bronze elf sculptures as his Xmas greeting. This showed up in my mailbox the other day, and yeah, I was floored. Props, Vince. Happy…

Happy B-Day, Mike Moorcock

He’s a living legend and one of our true and few gentle giants. He may not have coined today’s hot buzzword “multiverse”, but he popularized it, and built entire civilizations there long before today’s cool kids arrived. (Edit: MM himself kindly clarifies that he indeed coined the term to describe multiple universes, while William James…