Page 123 / Sentence 5

Tag from John Denardo at SF Signal who clearly must have plenty of free time on his hands (and clearly thinks I have the same). 😉 So the latest meme going around has the following instructions: “To participate, you grab any book, go to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and blog it. Then tag…

Czech Mates

Just arrived in the mail today from the Czech Republic — comp copies of the Czech editions of A CANTICLE FOR LEIBOWITZ, as well as a Dan Simmons short story collection, both sporting cover illustrations by yours truly. Laser-Books is the publisher, and both printings look great. (Thanks, Martin!) The design for the Simmons collection…

John W. Campbell Award Finalists

Congrats to all John W. Campbell Award Finalists (Jay, Lou, Ian….great to see your works in there, fellas). There are two awards in science fiction that are called “the Campbell Awards”, and this one is the juried award for Best SF Novel, presented at the Campbell Awards Conference in Lawrence, Kansas (not to be confused…

World Fantasy Life Achievement

World Fantasy Award nomination ballots are due June 30 (voting info/ballots here, if you click “Nominations Ballot” in the sidebar). John Klima has a nice rundown of his choices, and he’s got some terrific ones in all categories, including Life Achievement. His post inspired me to type up a specific one about the Life Achievement…

Strolling & Mind-Melding

First the Mind-Melding….(thus, the appropriate Spock cover by yours truly pictured left). SFSignal has posted the following Mind Meld question: What do you feel is the primary purpose of a book cover: To accurately reflect the story or to visually ‘sell’ the book? How do you balance these two ideas when creating a cover? Responses…

SON OF MAN is here!

Cool! Look what I just received — advance copies of Pyr‘s spiffy new edition of Robert Silverberg’s classic SON OF MAN! Wraparound cover illustration by me (see the full image here). Here’s the summary copy on the book’s back cover: “Clay is a man from the twentieth century who is somehow caught up in a…

“The Ice War” by Stephen Baxter

Here’s my cover illustration for the September issue of ASIMOV’S SCIENCE FICTION. The illustration is based on the issue’s lead story, “The Ice War” by Stephen Baxter. Imagine a War-of-the-Worlds cataclysm colliding with England in the 1720s. However, the alien ships in this story are a different take from the usual tentacled, flexible tripods of…

CANTICLE in Hungary

Recently arrived — Maecenas, a first-rate Hungarian publishing house who also happens to be the exclusive Hungarian publisher for heavyweights like Kurt Vonnegut, has just released their edition of Walter M. Miller, Jr’s classic A CANTICLE FOR LEIBOWITZ. They bought the Hungarian rights for my cover illustration (first appeared on the HarperCollins/Eos American trade edition)…