Wow, where does the time go? Conestoga 11, Oklahoma’s largest literary sf/fantasy con, fast approaches (July 20-22, in Tulsa). Laurell K. Hamilton is the Author Guest of Honor; Elizabeth Moon is Toastmaster; Richard and Michelle Zellich are the Fan Guests of Honor, and Eric Flint is the Special Guest of Honor. I’m the Artist Guest of Honor. The Conestoga con committee has been really on the ball, so it’s gonna be good times.
Here’s my panel schedule as it currently stands, and of course, I’ll be in the Art Show…hope to see you there!
Book Covers in the 21st Century
Fri: 04:30 PM / Salon F (1 hr)
What works and what doesn’t on the bookstore shelves? Panelists may bring copies of their own works or others and discuss what they think works or doesn’t and what the future holds for cover illustration in sf/fantasy/crossover lit.
Moderator: Picacio, John
Participants: Bradley, Peter; Weisskopf, Toni; Hamilton, Laurell K.
Art in the Digital Age
Sat: 10:00 AM / Salon H (1 hr)
There’s not really a question anymore about whether digital art can be fine art, all you have to do is look at Artist GOH John Picacio’s work. So we’ll ask how people have adapted their techniques in the digital age, and how much digital options have impacted their work.
Moderator: Anderson, David Lee
Participants: Picacio, John; Bradley, Peter
Artist GoH Presentation
Winner of the 2007 Locus Award for Best Artist and finalist for the International Horror Guild Award in the Artist category, John Picacio creates stunning covers and illustrations, and we’re pleased to have him join us. Come see why the convention committee was gobsmacked.
Sat: 03:00 PM / Salon E (1 hr)
Moderator: Picacio, John
Story Illustration Workshop
Sun 10:00 AM / Salon H (2 hrs)
Writers of the Future winner Matt Champine will be our guinea pig. He’ll bring a short story and our artists will talk about the process they go through in illustrating a work of fiction. Then, we’ll see if it works.
Moderator: Picacio, John
Participants: Bradley, Peter; Anderson, David Lee; Stein, Allison; Gannon, Amanda; Champine, Matt
Ooh, those all sound like fun panels. I’d especially love to hear what Laurel Hamilton thinks about her covers, since they are so, well, romancey-photomontage (which I like, but I know a lot of people don’t)
Hi, J.E. —
Yeah, that is going to be an interesting panel, isn’t it? You’ve got Laurell K’s covers on one hand, and then you’ve also got Toni Weisskopf, publisher of Baen Books, and Baen has a very, very particular style for their book line. Very different approaches, but both sell tons of books, and have rabid followings.