Wyeths on Wyeth

Awesome. Andrew Wyeth and Jamie Wyeth talk about N.C. Wyeth and his mural “Apotheosis of the Family”. Some terrific bits of vintage footage here as well….if you love N.C. Wyeth like I do, this is must-see. Note to the film world: how the heck is there not a comprehensive DVD documentary about the Wyeths? A friend told me there was an N.C. Wyeth program back in the 80s available on VHS, but I’ve never seen it, and it’s not available on DVD. Until then, enjoy this…

4 thoughts on “Wyeths on Wyeth

  1. Hi John,
    There is a VHS copy a of documentary from 1980 called “The World of Andrew Wyeth”. It’s available through the San Antonio library system. Also, a documentary from 1996 “The Wyeths, a Father and his Family” available through interlibrary loan. Let me know if you want me to put any of these on hold. I’m still over at San Pedro.

    ~Cindy C.

  2. John, I watched this vid when you had it on facebook – excellent interview – and it is always interesting to hear how an artist composes/creates/designs his work. Thanks for the link…

  3. Thanks, Cindy. I don’t think our VCR works anymore. I’ll see if I can get it up and running, and if so, I’ll definitely let you know.

    Hi, Mair — many thanks!! 🙂 Hope you’re doing well over there.

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