13 Days On The Road (Part 4)

Otherwise known as “The Hugos: Faraway So Close”. It’s an honor to be nominated for the Hugo Award and I’ve been graced with that recognition five consecutive years for Best Professional Artist. It’s rarified air to be on the Hugo ballot any year. I’ve been fortunate to breathe it in these five years. However, I’ve never reached the Hugo mountaintop and won the shiny rocketship trophy. I lost again this past Sunday night, finishing in second place. This year, according to the final numbers, I came achingly close, but that doesn’t matter. Donato Giancola won the prize, and it’s his third Hugo Award in four years. Donato knows how much I respect him and his work, and let me take this opportunity to publicly salute him and offer my heartfelt congrats. He’s a friend, a class act all the way, and one of the all-time greats. You earned it, man.

Big congrats out to John Scalzi, Neil Gaiman, David Anthony Durham, Stephen Segal, Ann Vandermeer, Cheryl Morgan, John Klima and all who earned their Hugos this past Sunday night.

As for me, back to the art life. Back to trying to get better as an artist and back to pushing myself a little further every day. Thanks to all who nominated and voted for me this year. I’m deeply honored and very much appreciate it. Many of you came to me with well wishes before and after the process took its course. Thank you. With hard work and luck, perhaps my work will prove worthy of your consideration again in 2010, and if so, we’ll see what happens then. Back to work.

13 Days On The Road (Part 3)

Otherwise known as “Hooray! I won a Chesley Award!” This one’s been well-documented on Twitter since the results were announced at the Chesley Awards Ceremony Friday, August 7th at Worldcon, but since I’m just getting to post it here, here’s a photo and here’s a detail of my trophy plugged in and aglow. That’s right — I said “plugged in”. Not many trophies are a self-contained light show, but this one is — and wow, it’s a beauty. I won for Best Paperback Cover Illustration for my cover art for FAST FORWARD 2 (pictured here), edited by Lou Anders (Pyr). Lou won his very first Chesley Award (Best Art Director), which is an amazing thing considering that Lou’s official title is Editorial Director of Pyr. However, everyone in the art community knows that he’s Pyr’s Art Director because he’s carried that role from Day 1, even if it wasn’t officially in his job description. Very honored to be amongst the full list of Chesley Awards winners. Pure joy.

13 Days On The Road (Part 2)

Otherwise known as “Holy Cow! I’m a 2009 World Fantasy Award nominee!” This post is hugely belated because I was on the road between SpoCon and Worldcon when this was first announced on August 4th. I immediately Tweeted and Facebooked it, but didn’t have the ability to update this blog, until now. Again — very honored to be a finalist on an insanely terrific ballot. And congrats to fellow nominees Kinuko Y. Craft, Janet Chui, Stephan Martiniere, and Shaun Tan. Proud to be in your company!

13 Days On The Road (Part 1)

I’ve been on the road so long that I’m not sure if my own blog recognizes me now that I’m home. In future, I need to integrate this blog with my Twitter and Facebook updates and that’ll happen when the great Paul Vaughn soon redesigns my website and blog from the bottom up. For now, I need to catch up here with everything that’s happened in the last thirteen days while I’ve been gone. WOW. SO much has happened. Let the recap begin.

Here are some words and pics from my Artist GoH stint at SpoCon 2009, in Spokane, WA, July 30 to August 2, 2009.

The September ’09 ASIMOV’S Is Here!

I mentioned this over at MISSIONS UNKNOWN yesterday, but didn’t have time until just now to mention it here. The September issue of ASIMOV’S SCIENCE FICTION went on sale yesterday and it features my cover art for Lisa Goldstein’s story “Away From Here.” Despite these days being stormy ones for the magazine publishing world as a whole, ASIMOV’S is still going strong with 44 Hugo Awards and 24 Nebula Awards to its credit to date. This month’s issue is loaded with phenomenal authors and content, and I’m proud to be associated it.

An Open Letter to Adam Roberts

Hi, Adam —

I’m pleased you’re a working science fiction author because as a driveby art critic, you’re a mess. In your July 17th post about the Hugo Awards, you labelled the work of four of the five Best Professional Artist Hugo nominees as dull and mediocre, and not deserving of Hugo recognition. You’re entitled to your opinion, just as all fans are. Being one of the five Hugo nominees in this category, I can safely speak for myself and all of the pro artist nominees in that we all relish good criticism. It’s part of being a pro.

That said, hopefully you and I will someday sit down at a con and have a beer together. We have a shared love for science fiction. Both of us wish the best for its progressive growth. We have mutual friends. Many of them speak highly of your ability as an sf author. I hear that you’re the kind of challenging author that I love to cover-illustrate. That said, even if I just have the pleasure of reading one of your books someday, I hope I’ll actually be able to find one.

I applaud your self-appointed stance as a champion of literary excellence and that you demand excellence of the rest of the sf world. However, in doing so, it’s only fair that you live up to the same. As an art critic, you fail miserably, sir. Two statements you make in your post that betray you as a poseur in this regard:

1. Of the work of Donato Giancola, Dan Dos Santos, Bob Eggleton and myself, you claim that the work is “conventional; all surface technique and no soul; artworks exactly like and in not one quarter-degree superior to pretty much every SFF novel or magazine cover printed since 1966.”

Response: Since 1966, you say? “Pretty much every”, you say? Sounds like you worked overtime to calculate that one. Since you’ve so conveniently couched your opinion as fact, I’m sure you’ll be willing to enlighten us with your well-researched thesis about 43 years of sf art from which your conclusion no doubt originates (maybe somewhere within your labyrinthine HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION?). Pardon me if I don’t hold my breath waiting.

2. A second excerpt from your blogpost: “Remember, Fandom, my question is not: are these artists competent, because clearly they all are. But are they the best? What are they doing that is new? That stands out? That shakes or moves or inspires us? The moleskin-notebook doodlers on Skine-art produce more interesting art than this in their spare time every day. We can do better. Or—and this is the angle that worries me, Fandom: or (sic) you really think that these images are the best that visual art can be?”

Response: It’s up to me to make the decisions within my own work. It’s up to the audience to judge how it assimilates into the culture stream. It’s up to me to make my work the best I can, and once done, I leave the value judgments to the audience, and to history. That said, I’ll leave you and the rest of the world to judge my work, but as a working professional artist, I’m qualified to make the case for three very worthy 2009 Hugo Award Professional Artist nominees, Donato Giancola, Dan Dos Santos and Bob Eggleton. You say that “the moleskin-notebook doodlers on Skine-art produce more interesting art than this in their spare time every day.” I took a look through this site which you claim is more “interesting”. I encourage all to do the same and make their own judgments. Meanwhile, I offer the following personal opinions on Giancola, Dos Santos, and Eggleton. (Readers please note that I’m also a huge admirer of Shaun Tan’s work and he’s equally Hugo-worthy, but he wasn’t a target of clumsy generalization and therefore, not relevant to present discussion.)

Why I believe Donato Giancola is Hugo-worthy:

This is Donato’s cover art for THE GOLDEN ROSE. It not only displays a masterful command of oil paint but packs an emotional wallop. Technically, it’s one of the richest oil paintings I’ve seen on an sf/f cover in 2008. Note the rocks vs. the foamy tide; the undertones of the fish skin vs. those of the human skin; the textures of the tentacles vs. those of the neighboring seaweed; the triangular shapes of the tide echoing the triangular shapes of the rocks. All of this interplay is happening within a simple but dynamic birds-eye composition that frames the forms and drama in perfect measure. The body language of the figures is gut-wrenching and engrossing. To call this “soulless art” signals character flaws within the accuser, not within the art or the artist. If this is “mediocre art” that shows sf/f in a poor light, then go talk to the Society of Illustrators New York who are very much NOT a genre association and recognized this painting with their highest 2008 honor — the Hamilton King Award, awarded to the outstanding illustration of the year by a peer group of some of the most respected American artists.

Why I believe Dan Dos Santos is Hugo-worthy:

This is Dan’s cover for POISON SLEEP. What I love about this one is it’s an ingenious and unconventional compositional solution that doesn’t succumb to the formulas of a standard mass-market paperback. The color scheme is restrained and smart. It stands out versus its adjacent competitors on a given bookstore shelf. There’s an economy of form here, and a delicacy in the skin tones, expressions and gestures. It does what only the very best book cover art does — draws the reader across the store to pick up the book, while standing on its own as a compelling piece of visual storytelling.

Why I believe Bob Eggleton is Hugo-worthy:

Bob will never be confused for artists pushing the envelope of genre art, but in fact, that’s his super power. He’s unapologetically in love with pulp, and while that may not be my personal cup of tea, his work regularly seduces my eyes, unlike any other living pulp-loving painter. That’s a pretty neat trick when pulp is not my primary interest and yet I enjoy it when Bob does it. Paintings like this one are why his work connects so powerfully with the sf audience. They transport viewers time after time, and his brushwork is some of the most emotional that we currently have in the sf field. Some may argue that Bob’s thematic wellspring doesn’t speak to the present time, but I think that’s precisely his point. I think he’s consciously trying to use the fantastic to remind us of simpler times past and future, and and he does it as well as anyone ever has in sf art.

Adam: You attempted to make the case for sweeping change in the Hugos (which is very much your right), but you utterly failed to make a convincing case why one form of visual art is more desirable than the current nominated choices in the Best Professional Artist category.

Instead, you displayed that it’s much easier for you to wield poorly-crafted generalizations, a familiar trademark of amateur writers. Again, your opinions are your right, just as they’re the right of any fan, but it’s a working professional’s equal right to call you out when you pound your chest, demanding excellence, and yet don’t expect the same of yourself in this conversation. I’m disappointed that someone of your regard prefers to be just another intellectual bully trying to look oh-so-cool and above reproach, lobbing cheap shots, while trading on his reputation. Science fiction is my field too, and it deserves better than that.

Again, I hope we can have a beer together someday. It would be a sincere pleasure, and I mean that with no sarcasm. And one last thing — should you again decide to take potshots at Giancola, Dos Santos, or Eggleton, please bring your A-game next time.

Very best,
John Picacio

Cheryl Morgan & Convention Reporter

Cheryl Morgan has unveiled her latest creation — Convention Reporter. Ever spent big chunks of time trolling the internet searching for threads and reports about an sf/fantasy convention that’s currently happening? Well, this website is the answer to your prayers (and just in time for the upcoming World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal). First, a quick word about Cheryl — she’s one of the nominees this year for the Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer, and it’s not just because she generates some of the best fan reporting and discussion found anywhere. It’s just as much for her commitment and vision, creating sites like Convention Reporter and the well-regarded Science Fiction Awards Watch. For my money, she’s one of the essential voices of today’s sf community, and when she talks, smart people listen.

Have a look at some of the folks that will be joining me as “con reporters” in this new effort — Lou Anders, Neil Gaiman, John Scalzi, Mary Robinette Kowal, Cory Doctorow, and more. Decent company, I’d say.

So how does this work? Cheryl explains: “This is what you might call a ‘mashup’. That is, it is an online service that works by collating information from a variety of other online services and presenting it in an single, simple interface.

Science fiction conventions are very well reported on these days. Convention attendees write reports on their blogs, and on web sites such as LiveJournal and Facebook. They upload photos. They may even tweet live from the convention. Modern smart phone hardware is starting to allow direct creation and uploading of YouTube video. The potential is endless.

But how do you find these reports? Hashtags are one solution; this is another. Very simply, we ask people who are planning to cover a convention to register with us, and we make all of their reports easily accessible in one place.”

Should be a lot of fun being a part of this effort in Montreal, and beyond. 🙂 Thanks, Cheryl!


Been busy, busy over here. Just noticed that this weekend, Subterranean Press unveiled the final cover for their limited edition of Dan Simmons’ THE TERROR. I did the cover art for this one and Subterranean is now accepting preorders for the book. The previous two covers I’ve done for Subterranean Press were also for Dan Simmons limited editions (MUSE OF FIRE and DROOD). Both of those books have completely sold out. I would expect that THE TERROR will likely do the same, so you might consider ordering yours soon before they’re gone. 🙂

Locus Awards Results + Odds & Ends

Can’t believe it’s already been a week since I last posted here! Some odds and ends that I haven’t had time to post, until now:

1. The full Locus Awards results have been published in the print edition of this month’s LOCUS MAGAZINE. I’m pleased to see that I finished #3 in the poll. Many thanks to all who considered me on their ballots. As most folks know, Michael Whelan finished #1, and Bob Eggleton finished #2. It’s a heckuva list and I’m honored to be included.

2. Enjoyed this short Lev Grossman TIME MAGAZINE/Nerd World Q&A with the great Michael Moorcock. In it, Lev pimps Tachyon’s terrific new book THE BEST OF MICHAEL MOORCOCK.

3. Jeff Vandermeer recently posted about Mark Chadbourn and the AGE OF MISRULE trilogy over at Omnivoracious. Solid piece — check it out. 🙂

4. Been working on several illustration fronts here — mostly drawings for the 6th Del Rey ELRIC book! Will hopefully be sharing some of it here when the publisher gives the greenlight. 🙂

5. If you happen to be on Twitter, or are considering it, I seem to be dropping by there at least once a day to offer a thought or comment. Here’s my Twitter feed if you’d like to follow it. (And by the way, no plan to abandon this blog! In fact, Paul Vaughn is currently working on revamping it and my website with a brand-new look! Stay tuned.) 🙂

WAR AND SPACE next month!

Editor Steven Silver sent me this the other day — the final jacket layout for NESFA Press’ forthcoming WAR AND SPACE: THE BEST OF LESTER DEL REY, VOL. 1. NESFA’s website says the book is slated for release next month, so I’m guessing that means they’ll have copies available at the World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal. Can’t wait to see how it turns out….should be a winner. 🙂 Cover illustration by me, and jacket design by Alice N.S. Lewis. Alice is also the designer responsible for the cool Boskone poster that’s been distributed recently. Way to go, Alice!

Boskone 47 Mini Poster

Man, the NESFAns are like clockwork with their newsletters. The latest one includes this cool little full-color flyer pimping next year’s Boskone 47 in February. They used my cover illustration for George Zebrowski’s MACROLIFE and I couldn’t help but smile when I saw it. Whomever is responsible for designing this flyer — great job! 🙂 I dig it and I’ll hang up mine here in my studio. You can download your very own right here.


Crazy good news for Mark Chadbourn’s AGE OF MISRULE: BOOK 3 — ALWAYS FOREVER! The book has sold out its first printing before it even hits the stores! Here’s what that means — bookstores liked what they saw from the first two books in the trilogy and they have confidence this third book is a solid bet to sell equally well, if not better. So they upped their orders and effectively bought up the entire first printing. What that means to you is this: if you want a first-edition copy of ALWAYS FOREVER, they should be at your local bookstore right now and it’s best to buy soon because the distributors don’t have any more in their warehouses. 🙂

My comp copies of Mark Chadbourn’s ALWAYS FOREVER arrived the other day and the printing turned out great! I illustrated the cover for this one, as well as the previous two books in the series, WORLD’S END and DARKEST HOUR. It’s fun to see the three books lined up, side by side.

Meantime, I’ll soon be back to working on the covers for the next books in this story arc. Congrats to Mark and to Pyr!

2009 Chesley Award Noms!

Received fabulous news late yesterday! I’m nominated for four 2009 Chesley Awards. Wow!! Here’s the complete list of nominees. And boy, what a list it is — there will be some heavyweight decisions in several categories. Here are my four nominated works:

Best Cover Illustration: Hardcover
Author: L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
Publisher: Tor

Best Cover Illustration: Paperback
Edited by: Lou Anders
Publisher: Pyr

Best Cover Illustration: Magazine
September 2008

Best Interior Illustration
Author: Michael Moorcock
Publisher: Del Rey
(This selection is one of 20+ interior illustrations I did for the book, but I’d have to say this is my personal favorite. Here’s an extensive gallery of some my other interiors from the book.)

And finally, shoutouts to Lou Anders — a 2009 Hugo Award nominee for Best Editor, and a 2009 Chesley Award nominee for Best Art Director (a very rare feat) — and also fellow Texan Vincent Villafranca for his well-earned 3D nomination. Congrats to all fellow nominees. I’m proud and honored to be amongst you!

My Interview with China’s FANTASY ART

Yesterday, you saw the May 2009 cover of China’s FANTASY ART Magazine. This morning, I received a PDF of my interview pages inside the mag. Above are four of the feature’s eight pages. FANTASY ART says it’ll be about three months before I see a physical copy of the mag. That’s a mighty slow boat, but I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait. Too bad I can’t read Chinese, but the spreads are so beautifully done that they’re still a pleasure. Huge thanks to Lizzy Carft and all at FANTASY ART for making this possible. 🙂

Wow! On the cover of FANTASY ART in China!

My illustration for Michael Moorcock’s ELRIC: THE STEALER OF SOULS is featured on the May 2009 cover of China’s FANTASY ART Magazine, the country’s leading pro magazine celebrating fantasy art and design. Earlier this year, Lizzy Carft conducted an interview with me, which is reportedly inside this issue. I say “reportedly” because I’ve yet to see the actual magazine itself. I’m sure the good people of FANTASY ART will be sending a few to me and I can’t wait to see how it looks. When they do, I’ll likely need the mighty Xin to translate the read. 🙂 Very cool!

The Little Antho That Could

Seems like FAST FORWARD 2 is the critical darling that just won’t die, well over a year after initial release! 🙂 Here’s two more extensive reviews courtesy of SFSite (reviewed by Derek Johnson) and Fantasy Book Critic (reviewed by Fabio Fernandes). Happy to see this, as it’s always been tough for anthologies to survive, even at the best of times. I’ve said this before, but I’m extremely proud to have illustrated this cover because books this good don’t grow on trees, to say the least. If you love great sf, and wish to see anthos like FF2 continue, please consider buying one, if you haven’t already. Your purchase doesn’t affect me one way or the other. I certainly don’t make any money from the sale, but literature is best when it’s diverse. The sf field needs books like FF2 just as it needs its ubiquitous best-sellers.