Tor’s New Website!

Tor Books has been perfecting their version of the mother-of-all-websites, and as an incentive to build audience, they’re offering free(!) desktop wallpapers from different artists each week. The wallpapers are available for one week only, and then they’re replaced by another set. Starting today, this week’s featured artists — me and Bob Eggleton! My wallpaper is excerpted from my Tor cover art for L.E. Modesitt Jr.’s VIEWPOINTS CRITICAL. Get it while you can. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Tor’s New Website!

  1. I hadn’t realised they were already getting it started! It’s going to be veddy veddy interesting, certainly.

    Ooh, free wallpaper… 🙂

  2. I’ve gotten like 6 or 8 wallpapers so far, starting with Martiniere, the first.

    And a couple of emails about the new website.

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