Subterranean Press has announced that their limited edition of Dan Simmons’ epic novel THE TERROR is all done and ready to ship. I did the cover art for this one. It’s my third Simmons limited edition cover. The first two Simmons books that I cover-illustrated sold out their first editions (MUSE OF FIRE and DROOD). Here’s what awaits readers in THE TERROR (text courtesy of Sub Press’ website):

In the spring of 1845, Sir John Franklin leads a company of two ships and 130 men on a hazardous voyage to the remote, uncharted Arctic. His goal: to locate and map the legendary Northwest Passage. Two years later, the expedition, which began in a spirit of optimism and high purpose, faces disaster. Franklin is dead. The two ships — the Erebus and the Terror — are hopelessly trapped by gigantic, shifting ice floes. Supplies are dwindling, and the crews struggle daily against lethal, unimaginably frigid conditions. And something — some Thing — is stalking the survivors, spreading death, suffering, and chaos in its remorseless wake.

THE TERROR is both a rigorously researched historical novel and a compelling homage to one of the seminal SF/Horror films of the 1950s. It is popular fiction of the highest order, the kind of intense, wholly absorbing epic only Dan Simmons could have written.

Subterranean still has copies available, but I don’t know how much longer they will. If you’re interested, you might want to order very soon. 🙂

5 thoughts on “THE TERROR Is Upon Us.

  1. Great stuff as ever, John.

    Hopefully sub press will be doing a version on Dan’s next novel ‘Black hills’ with you as cover artist too…

    Dan has posted about your art on his forum several times, obviously he’s a big fan too!

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