Happy day here: just received SPECTRUM 17: THE BEST IN CONTEMPORARY FANTASTIC ART. This is one of the year’s big art celebrations — a juried competition that annually selects the best in sf/f art and compiles the selections into one breathtaking collection.

The cover illustration this year
is by one of my favorite artists, Gregory Manchess, and of course, the book is edited by its founders, Cathy and Arnie Fenner. I have two pieces included in this year’s annual, both in the Book category. The first is my alternate artwork for James Dashner’s THE 13TH REALITY: THE JOURNAL OF CURIOUS LETTERS (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin), art directed by Lisa Vega (above). The second is my cover artwork for Mark Chadbourn’s AGE OF MISRULE: WORLD’S END (Pyr), art directed by the incomparable Lou Anders.

Thanks to these two art directors for making these illustration assignments possible, and huge thanks to the Fenners and the SPECTRUM jury for including me in this year’s magnum opus. It’s a phenomenal set of art and artists. I’ll spend the next week carefully savoring each page on my work breaks, absorbing it all for the first time, which has become a favorite November tradition.

Word to the wise: the hardcover editions of these books sell out remarkably fast, so if you’re a hardcover hound like I am, you should get yours now. No joke. šŸ™‚