Coming soon: Norwescon 35

Hey, People of the Great Northwest & Beyond: don’t miss Norwescon 35 this year. I’ll be the Artist Guest of Honor there along with fellow GoHs Stephen Baxter, Bridget Landry and Spotlight Publisher Daw Books. Should be an amazing con. I attended Norwescon in ’08 as a regular guest, and it was high-energy dynamite. Expect it to be even better this year.

Heads-up: Preregistration for the con is available through the end of day Wednesday and costs $65. As of this Thursday (March 1), preregistration will be closed and you’ll be required to register at the door for full price. And if you haven’t registered yet, you’re in luck as two more hotels have opened up for attendees.

As for me, I’m bringing some art surprises that George R. R. Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire fans won’t want to miss. Will be unveiled at the con. 🙂

I love Seattle and am really looking forward to being back. Shoutout if you’re gonna be there!

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