It’s In The Cards

Of all the results of the 2014 Calendar’s Kickstarter campaign, the most gratifying for me is seeing the Grande Loteria prototype cards take shape. To the left of the color front and pencil back of my Grande Loteria cards pictured above, you see the traditional Loteria cards from the classic set by Don Clemente Inc. / Pasatiempos Gallo.

There were six Grande cards in the set produced by my recent Kickstarter campaign and to all backers who scored them — THANK YOU. I appreciate you being here. You’ll be able to look back and say, “I was there in the beginning.”

The cards for the game deck will be smaller than these Grande prototypes, but I love the way these big cards fill your hand. These six are art objects, more than playing cards, and that’s why they were designed this big.

I will spend much of my 2014 creating new Loteria artwork and will continue until I achieve forty-eight more finished artworks, so that eventually there will be fifty-four cards of artwork for a new Loteria game.

Right now, I’m packaging up more rewards deliveries for my backers and hoping to have two big shipments heading out today and tomorrow.
