The World Science Fiction Convention is upon us.
I’ll have a display of works hanging in the Art Show, including a print of the new Loteria art for ‘El Arbol’, dedicated to Jay Lake. I’ll also be bringing limited supplies of Loteria Grande cards and posters AND 11″ x 14″ George R. R. Martin / A Song of Ice and Fire prints. However, these will NOT be available in the Art Show, as you can purchase them directly from me, while supplies last, at my appearances marked with an (**).
And here’s a special offer just for you, Sasquan — you can reserve and pre-purchase any 17″ x 22″ print from my body of work — including George R. R. Martin / A Song of Ice and Fire works — for only $75 each! This is marked down from the usual $125 for the GRRM works, and $90 for all others. How do you get yours? Email me at john (at) johnpicacio (dot) com, with the subject heading: “Sasquan Special”. Let me know the prints you want and I’ll send you my Paypal details OR we can arrange for you to just pay at the con. Pick up your merchandise from me during my Autographing or during the Saturday Artist Alley hours, and you’ll be set. These prints are archival inks on archival Hahnemuhle paper. You’ll need to bring your own protective tube or carrying method, as these will be unbagged and unboarded. Reservation deadline is Monday, August 17th at 12noon CST, and this offer only applies to prints ordered via this offer, for pickup at Sasquan. Why am I doing this? Because I love you, people, but also because I’m not bringing a giant stack of bagged and boarded archival prints on this trip, as it’s too costly. So this is THE ONLY WAY to get big prints at bargain prices from me if you’re coming to Worldcon. Don’t wait to see what I have once you arrive because there won’t be a stack to flip through this time. Reserve your prints today, everyone. 🙂
Here’s where and when you can find me at Sasquan.
** The Art of John Picacio • 11am-11:45am • Bays 111A (CC)
Slideshow + Q&A. I’ll be sneak-peeking and unveiling new work here. If you’ve got questions about my work — past, present, or future — bring ’em!
** Kaffee Klatche • 2pm-2:45pm • 202A-KK2 (CC)
Come one, come all. Bring your questions, and I’ll bring some Loteria Grande cards and posters and talk about what I’m working on + what’s coming.
Chesley Awards Ceremony + Reception • 7pm • 300D (CC)
Tomorrow Stories: Successful Creators and Their Work • 10am-10:45am • Conference Theater 110 (CC)
Panelists: John Picacio, Craig Engler, Jeff Sturgeon, Kevin J. Anderson, Kurt Busiek
This will be fun. We’ll be talking about our creator-owned works in print, TV, and film. Learn how and why these projects came to be, and where they’re headed, in a world where more and more pro creators are owning their creative destinies.
** Autographing • 12noon-12:45pm • Exhibit Hall (CC)
Neil Clarke, William Dietz, Rhiannon Held, Mary Soon Lee, John Picacio, Charles Stross, Jo Walton
** Artist & Author Alley • 10am-1:45pm • Between Art Show and Dealer’s Room
I’ll have a spread of original art and merchandise here at great prices. First come, first serve! 🙂
** Loteria • 12noon-12:45pm • Exhibit Hall C / Guinan’s Cabaret (CC)
This is gonna be a blast. Wanna win prizes playing Mexican Bingo? Be here. Easy to learn and so much fun!
After Worldcon is over?
I’ll be coming your way, Santa Fe. Be at George R. R. Martin’s Jean Cocteau Cinema on Thursday, August 27th at 7pm. LOTERIA FEST!!
And then it’s your turn, Bubonicon. 🙂
See you soon, West Coast.
In Loteria We Trust.