Worldcon 2019 in Dublin

Andrea Chapela, Sara Felix, John Picacio, Julia Rios, Libia Brenda Castro, and Lauren Snow at the 2019 Hugo Losers Party / The Mexicanx InitiativeI’ve been busy handling some family matters this month, and in the midst of those, I ventured to Dublin for this year’s World Science Fiction Convention. I couldn’t miss it, considering was a Finalist for the Hugo for Best Related Work. Proud to be part of the fearsome foursome listed for that recognition along with Julia Rios, Libia Brenda Castro, and Pablo Defendini. I’m even prouder to say that Libia is the first Mexican woman to ever be nominated for the Hugo in the 77-year history of Worldcon.

As if that weren’t enough reason — I was also a Hugo Award Finalist for Best Professional Artist. My cousin Adria Gonzales had never attended a Worldcon before last year’s in San Jose, and she was an ace, shadowing me across all of my Guest of Honor appearances and Hugo MC responsibilities, managing me as I juggled balls of fire. This year’s Worldcon was less perilous, and she wanted to be there. Our first major stop was St. Michan’s Church — because I couldn’t resist when I read this was one of Dublin’s most macabre sites, built on the site of an old Norse chapel in 1095. It delivered. The dank limestone walls are apparently ideal for preserving death so we got up-close and personal with their resident mummies.

St. Michan's Mummies

Next, Adria and I headed to the Jameson Distillery. Let it be known that I hate guided tours. We had already endured one at St. Michan’s — and happily, it was actually quite good. I was reluctant to press my luck at the distillery though. Adria ordered each of us a Jameson ‘Our Way’ Old Fashioned. It’s one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had. So good that I returned on three later occasions for these drinks, and when we took the tour, we had the good fortune to have the great Niall Stewart leading our exploration of how Jameson whiskey is made. A master showman and storyteller, he made me want to reinvent how I present my own work in front of audiences. After the tour finished, I talked to Niall and it turned out that his late brother David was a diehard Worldcon fan who dreamed of someday bringing the event to Dublin. Sadly, David died in 2006 — thirteen years before his dream would be realized. Niall recounted with great pride his brother’s love for science fiction and it won’t be forgotten. Here’s to you, David.

Jameson Distillery Chandelier

The next day, I presented my slideshow ‘The Art of John Picacio’ on an Odeon Cinema screen. It was the first day of Worldcon, and all art proceedings were located a full half-mile from the rest of the convention. It was doubtful there would be much of an audience for my afternoon presentation, and indeed, it started with barely a handful of people in the seats. The art looked *really* good on that big screen though, so I began, and with each passing minute — more and more people kept streaming in, until most of the theatre was full. It was terrific, and I’m grateful not only to all that attended but everyone that thronged my Creators Alley table all weekend. Loteria Grande Cards and Posters sold briskly and those sales once again show that what I’m doing with this art series is connecting across borders and oceans. Thank you, everyone — In Loteria We Trust. More coming this fall.

Loteria Grande Cards and Posters by John Picacio

There was a lot to be grateful for at this Worldcon. Thank you to James Bacon and the entire Dublin 2019 staff for all their hard work. Thank you to the Brotherhood Without Banners for always looking out. Thank you to George R. R. Martin, Parris, Raya Golden, Ti Mikkel, and company for crafting a Hugo Losers Party For The Ages. This one was at the Guinness Storehouse. It was off-the-charts and a privilege to be there with friends and peers. Thank you to everyone who nominated me and The Mexicanx Initiative for Hugo Awards this year. CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Finalists and Winners!

2019 Hugo Awards and Losers Party / Andrea Chapela, LIbia Brenda Castro, Lauren Raye Snow, Jeanette Epps, Sara Felix, John Picacio

Above all though — the highlight of this convention for me was my fellow Mexicanx who made the trip. Libia isn’t just a Hugo-nominated Mexican editor, but an editorial force of nature who will impact this field worldwide for decades to come. Ignore her at your own peril. This was her first Hugo nomination and it won’t be her last.

George R. R. Martin and Libia Brenda Castro entering the 2019 Hugo Losers Party

I loved her poise and her cool, as she savored the moment, and the same goes for Andrea Chapela. She’s figuring out who she is, and she has no fear. Of all of us in the Initiative, I think she’s going to have one of the most dominant presences, when it’s all said and done. Artist Lauren Snow hustled like there was no tomorrow, all weekend long. She made connections toward building her art career and that was her goal. There’s a lot of talent in the world, but talent is wasted if it’s not driven, and she is. Sara Felix created much of the branding for Dublin’s Worldcon, co-designed last year’s Hugo Award base, crafted the Lodestar Award and this year’s Special Committee Award, and has found a growing audience for her evolving art. She did all of this, while also serving as President of The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA). This year was her first nomination for Best Fan Artist, and honestly, I don’t think anyone had a stronger overall fan art resumé than Sara. I look forward to her being back in the running next year. And then there was Julia — nominated for three Hugo Awards and one of my favorites because she’s so shrewd. When she talks, I learn things. We didn’t spend much time together at this Worldcon, but there would not have been a Hugo nomination for without her. Thank you, Julia.

Lastly — thank you to Adria for being there throughout from Dublin through London, and back home. It was epic. 🙂 #JamesonOldFashionedFTW

Signing off now to pack for Lightbox Expo in Pasadena, CA — see you there, Art Friends and Fiends!

(photo credits: Julia Rios, Sara Felix, Libia Brenda, Adria Gonzales, Andrea Chapela, John Picacio)

Mexicanx Initiative at Dublin's Jameson Distillery / 2019


ASFA President Sara Felix has done what many thought impossible — created and curated a successful science fiction / fantasy gallery event that’s not located on a coast. The show is called Infinite Worlds and the reception was this past Saturday, November 10th at the Dougherty Arts Center in Austin, TX (sponsored by The Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA)).

It will continue to run until Saturday, December 1st, so if you haven’t experienced it yet — SEE IT.

10% of the featured artworks were sold before the reception even opened its doors! And YES, COLLECTORS — almost all of the art on display is for sale. The Dougherty’s receptionists will be happy to direct you to the price list. 🙂 The reception’s attendance was robust. The artist roster is a who’s who of major sf/f artists from rising stars to masters of the field, and many of them attended the reception including Mariana Palova, Vincent Villafranca, Gary Villarreal, Tehani Farr, Priscilla Kim, Lauren Raye Snow, Dianita, Cody Jimenez, Kiri Østergaard Leonard, Mariya Prytula, Melissa Gay, Sara Felix, and yours truly.

My original art for the Wild Cards story ‘Evernight’ by Victor Milán (pictured right) is available for purchase during this show (graphite, 16″x20″, $1200), and my original Loteria art for ‘La Campana’ is also on display, although not for sale at this time.

It’s sometimes said that the middle of the US doesn’t have a big enough population of major artists and hungry collectors to support exhibitions of this caliber. Sara’s Infinite Worlds exhibition might end up being a gamechanger in that regard, especially if this becomes the first of a tradition in one of the most pop-culture savvy cities in America.

Art fans and collectors descend upon ASFA’s Infinite Worlds show in Austin, TX.

ASFA President Sara Felix delivers the opening welcome, with an assist from her daughter Eva.

Art by Tehani Farr, Vanessa Lemen, Francis Vallejo, Lauren Raye Snow, John Jude Palencar, Vincent Villafranca, and the Shiflett Brothers.

Art by Cody Jimenez, Sam Flegal, Ingrid Kallick, Eric Wilkerson, Greg Ruth, Vincent Villafranca, and the Shiflett Brothers.

Artist Cody Jimenez and his daughter. (Cody’s painting sold at the show before the Reception even opened its doors!)

Artist Dianita Ceron.

Detail of Vanessa Lemen’s ‘Time Will Tell’.

Detail of Eric Wilkerson’s ‘Alien Lives Matter’.

Detail of Tehani Farr’s ‘Ayla’.

Detail of Sara Felix’s ‘Geodes In Space’. (Sara’s piece also sold at the show before the Reception even began.)

Artist Priscilla Kim in a staring contest with my original Loteria art for ‘La Campana’.

Check out Sara Felix’s photo gallery for more views of the exhibition!